Saturday 21 November 2015

A Day In The Studio

My day started at 5:30 a.m., holding a cup of coffee, to help my me fully wake up. I sat enjoying my coffee, looking at Facebook, playing a few word games on my iPad. A little later after a quick breakfast I headed to the studio.

I had four orders to work through. As I worked on each of them, setting each one aside while paint dried, I worked on a couple of unclaimed pieces. 

I can go downstairs to my studio, work on whichever project I have going at that time and feel encouraged. I get many ideas for the next project while working on a current piece.

I know of artist that will only remain true to their main artistic focus, i.e. Landscapes on canvas. They won't waver from it, they will create and hope for a sale. They will do limited advertising, go to a few art shows in hopes of catching someone's eye.

I love to paint landscapes, wild life, the occasional other subject matter. But I am realistic enough to know that I will not sell a painting everyday. I paint wall hangings to fill  in the gaps, help pay for the art supplies and more. I have sold a number of painting, but I have painted and sold over 700 canoe paddles, 50 plus dragon boat paddles. I have painted a number of wall hangings over the last couple of years. I have some of them left, but most have been sold. I advertise, have a web site and share my work through any number of social media websites.

Spending time in the Studio, relaxing, doing what I enjoy, will help me destress, feel more creative, feel encouraged. As a project progresses, I love seeing it come together. Working on a new project, I can see little improvements that can be made. 

The studio is my version of the man cave. It is where I can go and be away from the world for a while. It is where I can go and be creative, let my mind go wild . I love a good adventure, The studio is An Adventure In Creativity!

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