Saturday 29 August 2015

Remembering Simpler Times On A River Bank!

It seems to me that a large group of people in the world have missed out on a lot in their youth. What does the future hold for the next generation? Will there be scenes in the future of Father and Son, father and daughter, grandpa or grandma on the banks of a river watching the day go by, or dipping a rod into the water?

I have been doing a series of paintings of late featuring kids fishing, walking with a grandparent and more. I am guessing that part of it is as I age I think of walking with my grandfather, going fishing with friends on a river bank, fishing with my grandfather off of a dock by the old pump house on the lake.

How many kids have been taken to a river with rods, worms and a bagged lunch to spend the day on the river bank. It's not catching a fish  that is important, but catching your first fish really feels great.It is about spending time with your dad, mom, grandpa, grandma. It is about seeing nature at it's finest, it's about just spending time in nature.

Well past the concrete jungles that we live in off the beaten path is the old fishing hole. A place like no other, calm and stress free. A place that frees you from the world around and builds memories that last a life time,

Remember those times? Have you given your kids, niece, nephews, grandchildren those same types of memories?

So as I sat and thought about things one day I felt I should do some paintings that brought back those kind of memories. I hope these will inspire you to think about it and go fishing, for a walk, leave the concrete jungle for the back roads.

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