Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Keep Painting, Never Give Up, Practice, Push The Limits, Try, Try Again

I have been painting for a numbers years, have I had a positive experience wth all hose who have viewed my works. I am absolutely certain that I have heard a lot of negative comments and reviews. We live in a world were there are more critics than there are those who will be a positive contributor of advice. 

Whether you are attempting to make a living with your art or are just creating things because it is a relaxing hobby, I can say to you keep painting, keep creating, enjoy your time. We wouldn't have a lot of our "modern  conveniences" if the inventors quit because the negative comments were taken to heart.ryrewewe

I have seen a progression in my art. Is it were I want it to be, no, but at the same time it is by no means where it was when I started to paint. From always painting flat looking, nondensional sunsts to painting wild life, landscapes and more. My current work has had people comment on how realistic they look, how inviting they look, how many look like you could walk right into the scene. I have gone from rarely having any one who showed interest in any of my work to having fairly regular sales of various pieces I have painted.

Don't allow negative detractors steal your joy, don't allow them to convince you your time would be better spent on some other kind of activity. Pick up that brush, put paint on that pallet and paint. When your finished with that piece start another, have multiple prices going at once.

If at first you don't succeed keep going, never quit. Get that image of never going any where out of your mind, see yourself painting an awesome piece. Practice makes perfect.

Friends, don't allow your world  surroundings steal that desire. Paint and paint again. Paint until you have made your masterpiece, then paint another one.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Inspiration can be found in a book, nature, music…

I love to get up in the morning and spend time listening go or reading a good book, while sipping a cup of coffee. A good book gets the imagination going, it inspires. I find it gets me in a creative mood. Even as I am writing this blog, I am listening to a book with Julie.

When I paint I listen to a book or some music. It keeps me focused on what I want to achieve. It is also what they call white noise, which in some ways it is, but in so many other ways it isn't.

I appreciate a good book, for its entertainment value, for the distraction from the world, and for the fact that it gets the imagination going. It is to me a great way to appreciate someone else's creativity, the blood sweat and tears that go into writing a book. Every creative person puts their all into their works. I put my thoughts into creating the vision of the piece, then I put that vision on a surface and start making it come to full living color. 

The writer does things in a similar way, or so I imagine they do. It is their creativity that helps me with my ability to create because I am creating an image of their words in my mind. I can compare it to waking up a our cottage, making a coffee and Julie and I sitting on chairs looking out over the lake, or sitting by our fire pit and starting an early morning fire to toast a piece of bread over the flames.

Going for a drive in the country, the back roads, the roads less travelled. Seeing nature untouched in so many ways, see birds flit and fly between trees and bush. See rivers, creeks, ponds and lakes. All waiting to be captured by a camera so that image can be transferred to a canvas, and brought to life through the eyes of an artist.

As I squeeze paint onto my pallet so that I can begin to allow my imagination come to life, to make that inspiration grow and develop into a finished piece. Allowing that creative inspiration that started with a simple book, the view of a lake, the freedom of a bird take on a visual meaning. Creating a visual piece of art that hopefully inspires some one else.

When you look at a painting, a sculpture, or wander through a book store (yes a book store) think of the person who created it. Think of the time that went into that creation. What inspired them, what brought them to create that piece of work in front of you. Appreciate the complete work and all that went into it, because it represents a big part of the; writer, actor, sculptor, artist, musicians life. 
