Wednesday 10 June 2015

Backwoods Country Arts

Backwoods Country Arts, the new name for my studio. Why a new name, well I wanted to have a name that suggested something more than fine art, but would include fine art.

I have been painting since I was a teen, don't ask how long ago that was, let's leave it that it was some time ago. Starting with oils on canvas board, dabbling in water colours for a while, I  mainly use acrylics these days. I paint on canvas, burlap, rock, wood, canoe paddles and more.

I am a firm believer in supporting local businesses, smaller companies, even though it may cost a bit more. I support buying Canadian Made products when ever possible. If we don't support the local business person, those that hire your neighbours, your family, why should we expect them to show us support.

With my paintings I try to capture Canada and the wildlife that lives in this great country. Our children and grand children should be able to see what world awaits outside the concrete jungle they live in. So much of our world has been plowed down, paved over, built up.  Canada is a beautiful country, you only have to go down the road less travelled to see it. 

One of the surfaces that I paint on are canoe paddles. I have lost count of the number of paddles that I have painted, showing people fishing, the Western starting point of Highway One, family farms, fish jumping out of the water, just to name a few subjects.

Decor signs for home or cottage are popular. Quotes, sayings, encouraging and loving words. Painted on; canvas, pine and cedar boards, Masonite, plywood and almost any kind of surface. 

I also hold workshops that teach people how to make / create anything I do here in my studio. Backwoods Country Arts is an open studio that allows me to help others with their creativity but also to broaden mine. 

I will be sharing tips, how to lessons, projects I have completed and more in my blog. Let me know what you think, all comments and questions are appreciated.

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