Saturday 27 June 2015

The Progress of A Painting

The following photos show the progress of my painting "Hush". From the background being completed through to the finish. 

You can see how as bits and pieces of detail are added, changed the painting takes on life. I have been told that many of my painting have a feel that you could just walk into it. I would want to walk in on this cat. "Hush" the quiet before the storm as this magnificent cat awaits some kind of prey to cross its path.

This piece took a month to get to the point I was satisfied with its finished state. From a flat non dimensional cat to a cat that has taken on dimension and life. Watching and waiting in the "Hush" of the forest.

Patiently working on a piece making adjustments here and there. Adding detail, working to give dimension to a flat animal, adding colour over colour to work the dimension. All part of the creative process, all to bring the animal to life.

Working with a piece to bring the inspiration that brought you to start on a piece to allow the inspiration to flow.

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