Over the last ten years I have sold a number of pieces of my work, whether it was an original painting or a hand painted decorative sign. I have painted on Canvas, woods, slate, rock and canoe paddles.
In the time that I have been more successful in selling my works, I have been amazed at how at times people expect you to create a piece of work, specifically for them, at an extremely low cost to them. In the beginning I did work for lower than realistic prices because I was happy to be selling something. I wasn't valuing my own time the way I should have, but I quickly woke up to the reality of my work, talent and time were worth something.
Any one who creates something is worthy of being paid for their time, talent and supplies. If you work for any one you expect to be paid properly, Why should someone making something for you not be paid properly, you expect your employer to pay you properly why shouldn't the artist be paid properly?
Everyone who is using their talent, talent that they have developed, be it that they are; a writer, painter, actor, singer. That talent that you have asked them to use, it is something you don't have, so show your appreciation, show that you understand that, "the laborer is worthy of his wages." Pay the person properly, pay them for their talent.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Do You...
Do You…
1. Believe in yourself? We live in a world that looks at things more from the glass is half empty than from the half full point of view. If any one is going to be successful in this world they need a positive view on life, positive view on who they are. An athlete, a writer, an actor, an artist must believe in themselves in order to fulfill their dream. Whether that dream is to; write a novel that gets published, paint an image worthy of being hung on a wall, play well enough to get to the big leagues, you must believe that YOU can do it!
2. Think outside of the box? Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied with being comfortable with life as it was yesterday or the day before that. People that go beyond where they are today, that think outside of the box will grow and advance in their craft. Life will be an adventure, they will not be satisfied with common place. They will try new things and go where they haven’t before.
3. Lead or do you follow? Are you a leader or a follower? That guy at the front of the pack, the one at the head of the race, he’s the leader. That person with the three stars on their shoulders, the general, he’s the leader. That person in front of the orchestra with the baton, the conductor, she’s the leader. Yes, we may start out as a follower, but the were a follower that wasn’t willing to stay that way. They had a desire, a dream to be a leader. Leaders set the pace, they lead the way. They push themselves to go beyond. To be true to yourself, ask yourself, are you a leader or are you a follower? Are you wanting, dreaming or desiring to go beyond and create your own style? Then you have to decide to be a leader and not be a follower. A leader will develop their own style, the follower will be happy with following someone else’s style.
4. You have tenacity? Can you see it through? Will you stick with it, even when the going gets tough? Any one who is going to be successful will want to see things through to completion. Edison, Ford, Banting and Best, Lincoln, Bell and anyone else who is known for inventing, creating, developing, winning saw their endeavours through to the end. They stuck it out, they may have had failures along the way, but they continued on, they did not quit. That old saying “winners never quit and quitters never win.” To be successful you must be tenacious, must have a stick with it attitude.
5. Like what you are doing? We have to like what we are doing in order to have fun, don’t just do it for the reward. If that is all it means to you than you might as well just quit now! Being creative should give you enjoyment, it should be fun. Look at what you are doing, not just that piece of work, do you like what you are doing, is it fun and enjoyable. If you don’t like what you are going, quit!
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Never Give Up, Rome Wasn't Built In A Day.
We live in a world that is filled with critics, people who feel they; can do something better, know more than you, feel they need to instruct others on how to do something. Ask yourself, if they could do better wouldn't they be.
There are always going to be; couch potato quarter backs, those who feel they did better when. They aren't the one holding the paint brush, sitting at the keyboard or standing on stage. They observe from the distance and make comments. They have either never tried, gave up or were so discouraged by others they feel it is their obligation to pass it on.
Don't be discouraged, don't give up. Give yourself time to develop your craft. That may take years, and if you feel you are getting better, if you enjoy yourself, all the more reason not to stop.
I have been painting since I was in my teens, I am not the painter that I was at age 13 I have come a long long way. I hear some family suggesting they are better, that they don't appreciate all that I do. There isn't an artist of any kind in this world that is loved by everyone else. Every artist has their own style, ability, and people who do like their work.
Be encouraged, have faith in yourself and continue to develop your craft. Edison worked on many inventions, not all were successful. How many painters have been successful in their own right, have been great artist, that sold works, but we're only known to a few faithful followers. How many writers get rejected by publishers, never give up, and one day get a book accepted for publishing.
Where would we be if some one didn't wander out of the cave? What about the person that first plowed a field and planted something? What if Bell didn't try to help those with hearing loss, the Wright brothers didn't try flying, Ford didn't try making inexpensive cars on an assembly line?
As a well known Scottish King by the name of Robert the Bruce, is known for having said, "If at first you don't succeed try, try again!"
I encourage you to continue, there will always be nay sayers. If I listened to them I wouldn't have sold as many paintings as I have, over 500 hand painted canoe paddles, and as many decorative signs as I have done recently.
Don't give up! Develop your craft and then develop it more. I don't promise you will be a DaVinci, Picasso, Salvadore Dali, no, you will be you! You will become the artist, with your own style and your own following.
I paint on, have fun and destress. I enjoy myself, and get a great big kick out of it when a painting sells, and so will you with whatever you are creating.
Here is some finished items and one I am working on!
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