Saturday 18 July 2015

Do You...

Do You…

1Believe in yourself? We live in a world that looks at things more from the glass is half empty than from the half full point of view. If any one is going to be successful in this world they need a positive view on life, positive view on who they are. An athlete, a writer, an actor, an artist must believe in themselves in order to fulfill their dream. Whether that dream is to; write a novel that gets published, paint an image worthy of being hung on a wall, play well enough to get to the big leagues, you must believe that YOU can do it!
2. Think outside of the box? Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied with being comfortable with life as it was yesterday or the day before that. People that go beyond where they are today, that think outside of the box will grow and advance in their craft. Life will be an adventure, they will not be satisfied with common place. They will try new things and go where they haven’t before.
3. Lead or do you follow? Are you a leader or a follower?  That guy at the front of the pack, the one at the head of the race, he’s the leader. That person with the three stars on their shoulders, the general, he’s the leader. That person in front of the orchestra with the baton, the conductor, she’s the leader. Yes, we may start out as a follower, but the were a follower that wasn’t willing to stay that way. They had a desire, a dream to be a leader. Leaders set the pace, they lead the way. They push themselves to go beyond. To be true to yourself, ask yourself, are you a leader or are you a follower? Are you wanting, dreaming or desiring to go beyond and create your own style? Then you have to decide to be a leader and not be a follower. A leader will develop their own style, the follower will be happy with following someone else’s style.
4. You have tenacity? Can you see it through? Will you stick with it, even when the going gets tough? Any one who is going to be successful will want to see things through to completion. Edison, Ford, Banting and Best, Lincoln, Bell and anyone else who is known for inventing, creating, developing, winning saw their endeavours through to the end. They stuck it out, they may have had failures along the way, but they continued on, they did not quit. That old saying “winners never quit and quitters never win.” To be successful you must be tenacious, must have a stick with it attitude.
5. Like what you are doing? We have to like what we are doing in order to have fun, don’t just do it for the reward. If that is all it means to you than you might as well just quit now! Being creative should give you enjoyment, it should be fun.  Look at what you are doing, not just that piece of work, do you like what you are doing, is it fun and enjoyable. If you don’t like what you are going, quit!

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