Monday, 23 November 2015

Pursue, Promote, Persevere

I have said before that you shouldn't quit. I have suggested that you need to push yourself, try new things and keep working and practicing your craft. That is very true, as that old saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day.”

I have been painting since my teens and I have seen my craft develop as I have; continued to practice, work, push myself to try new things, to try new ways.

Pursue, pursue your dream, make your dream happen. No one can go after your success in the art world but you. You have to be willing to put yourself out there. Let your work be seen. Try new styles, new pieces, new forms. Go after your dream, pursue it.

Promote yourself, promote your work. Look for methods of promoting yourself. Look for shows, events, fairs that you can get a booth at and show your work. It shows the world that you believe in yourself, lets the world see you work. Look for on line places to promote and show your work. Hold open houses, donate your work to charity so they can raise money. Look for unique, creative methods of exposing yourself  to the world.

Persevere, a fancy way of saying don't quit! Give yourself time to develop your craft. Don't listen to they nay Sayers. I have been told my work isn't very good by some people very close to me. But, I have been told by people I don't know that my work is very good. My work has taken time to get to where it is. I have painted on so many surfaces, painted things others have asked me to paint, some had no success, some limited success and some  surprising success.

Without trying, showing, continuing to try I never would have sold a thing. If I didn't pursue my dream, which I continue to go after, I would have so even a painted jewelry box. If I didn't allow myself to be seen  I wouldn't have heard opinions of nine family members. Others wouldn't have had a chance to see my work or have a chance to buy it. I went to shows, used on line sites and more. I promoted myself and continue to do so. I have persevered, I haven't quit and won't quit. I love to paint and try new things.

My advice to you, no matter whether you are a visual artist, writer, musician, actor, what ever you do pursue you dream, promote yourself and persevere.

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