Wednesday 18 November 2015

My Studio My Place To Create, Refresh, and Relax

I love to go into my studio and paint. It doesn't matter whether I am painting an image onto a canvas, or painting some new piece of décor / subway art. As I sit in my chair and get ready to work I begin to feel revived.

Everyone needs an outlet, needs a way to set themselves apart from the stresses of the world we live in. Some watch T.V., listen to music, walk, run, drink, go to the gm. Me I sit down at my desk, my easel, get some paint out, a canvas, some wood, turn on some music and then I paint.

I have tried over the last couple of years to get others to see the value of using painting as a way to refresh, distress and more. There is an area in the studio that I will sit down at and lay out larger projects, or package items that are on their way to the new owners. This is the area of the studio that I display  my art, in all forms. This is the same area that I use for classes that I open the studio for.

Some think I am crazy, but I don't think so, everyone has their own style, their own way of doing things. Their art will be their art, in their style. If my showing, teaching others how to do something creates another artist, fine, let them enjoy the possibilities that are now open to them. I am not the only artist, the only one who paints landscapes, wild life, subway / décor art in the world and won't be the last.

If the world was more into showing others how to use, develop skills it would be a better place.

Creating art is an adventure, an adventure in creativity.

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