Saturday 18 July 2015

An Artist Is Worth Their Time And Talent

Over the last ten years I have sold a number of pieces of my work, whether it was an original painting or a hand painted decorative sign. I have painted on Canvas, woods, slate, rock and canoe paddles.

In the time that I have been more successful in selling my works, I have been amazed at how at times people expect you to create a piece of work, specifically for them, at an extremely low cost to them. In the beginning I did work for lower than realistic prices because I was happy to be selling something. I wasn't valuing my own time the way I should have, but I quickly woke up to the reality of my work, talent and time were worth something.

Any one who creates something is worthy of being paid for their time, talent and supplies. If you work for any one you expect to be paid properly, Why should someone making something for you not be paid properly, you expect your employer to pay you properly why shouldn't the artist be paid properly?

Everyone who is using their talent, talent that they have developed, be it that they are; a writer, painter, actor, singer. That talent that you have asked them to use, it is something you don't have, so show your appreciation, show that you understand that, "the laborer is worthy of his wages." Pay the person properly, pay them for their talent.

There is no need for "starving artists", pay them for the work you requested, ordered, wanted to be done for you!


  1. Unfortunately we still live in a society that sees the creation of art is not as valuable as other fields.I don't agree either...

  2. Unfortunately we still live in a society that sees the creation of art as not as valuable,(with a degree or not)as other fields.I do not agree either.
