Thursday, 24 December 2015
Art By Any Other Name...
It has been a busy couple of months, with pieces once complete being shipped all over North America. I have orders that have been shipped to multiple places around Ontario, the farthest being Thunder Bay. Other items have been shipped to Vancouver B.C., Leduc Alberta and as close to home as Lindsay Ontario. There are wall hangings that have found homes in Arizona, Minneapolis, Boston Area, Missouri, New Jersey and Florida.
The most popular item this year has been my wall hanging “Fruit of the Spirit”, I even had a request for one for Australia but the shipping was going to cost far more that the item was worth. I have done a number of Dragon Boat paddles this Christmas, plus a number of other style of wall hangings.
Why am I mentioning this? I got those orders through promoting my studio. I have my own website, a shop on Etsy, a page on Facebook, twitter and Instagram. I photograph items and share them on social media. Most of my orders have come through Etsy and social media. We need to promote ourselves and our work.
We need to let people know what we do. I paint pictures and I paint wall décor. The wall décor sells faster than the paintings, which is understandable as history has shown that artists don’t sell paintings every day. Hence all of those “Starving Artists” sales. I have sold a number of my paintings over the years, but I have sold far more décor style items. They are all art, just different styles of art!
I enjoy doing both paintings and the décor art. The money made on the one allows me to do the other.
This year was very busy, and although at times I wondered if I would get everything done I thrive on having a lot of work to do than just sitting around with nothing on my agenda. It is relaxing for me to spend time in my studio creating. To take a blank canvas, what ever form that canvas comes as – actual canvas, wood, mail box, paddle, and turn it into a piece of artwork is a great way to relax from the stresses of the world around us.
Yes, I love to paint a piece that depicts Canadian Wildlife or the Canadian Landscape. I also love creating other styles of work and seeing them go to a different kind of collector. Creating any style of art is still taking your God given talent and putting it to good use, adding to your own life as well as helping others add to their own. Don’t allow anyone to put you down because you don’t just do what is traditionally accepted as art. Tradition is just a “rule” of sorts and “rules” were meant to be broken.
Think out of the box, look beyond the white canvas make it “An Adventure In Creativity.” Art work by any other name is still art work!
Monday, 23 November 2015
Pursue, Promote, Persevere
I have said before that you shouldn't quit. I have suggested that you need to push yourself, try new things and keep working and practicing your craft. That is very true, as that old saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day.”
I have been painting since my teens and I have seen my craft develop as I have; continued to practice, work, push myself to try new things, to try new ways.
Pursue, pursue your dream, make your dream happen. No one can go after your success in the art world but you. You have to be willing to put yourself out there. Let your work be seen. Try new styles, new pieces, new forms. Go after your dream, pursue it.
Promote yourself, promote your work. Look for methods of promoting yourself. Look for shows, events, fairs that you can get a booth at and show your work. It shows the world that you believe in yourself, lets the world see you work. Look for on line places to promote and show your work. Hold open houses, donate your work to charity so they can raise money. Look for unique, creative methods of exposing yourself to the world.
Persevere, a fancy way of saying don't quit! Give yourself time to develop your craft. Don't listen to they nay Sayers. I have been told my work isn't very good by some people very close to me. But, I have been told by people I don't know that my work is very good. My work has taken time to get to where it is. I have painted on so many surfaces, painted things others have asked me to paint, some had no success, some limited success and some surprising success.
Without trying, showing, continuing to try I never would have sold a thing. If I didn't pursue my dream, which I continue to go after, I would have so even a painted jewelry box. If I didn't allow myself to be seen I wouldn't have heard opinions of nine family members. Others wouldn't have had a chance to see my work or have a chance to buy it. I went to shows, used on line sites and more. I promoted myself and continue to do so. I have persevered, I haven't quit and won't quit. I love to paint and try new things.
My advice to you, no matter whether you are a visual artist, writer, musician, actor, what ever you do pursue you dream, promote yourself and persevere.
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Backwoods Country Arts : A Day In The Studio
A Day In The Studio
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
My Studio My Place To Create, Refresh, and Relax
Everyone needs an outlet, needs a way to set themselves apart from the stresses of the world we live in. Some watch T.V., listen to music, walk, run, drink, go to the gm. Me I sit down at my desk, my easel, get some paint out, a canvas, some wood, turn on some music and then I paint.
I have tried over the last couple of years to get others to see the value of using painting as a way to refresh, distress and more. There is an area in the studio that I will sit down at and lay out larger projects, or package items that are on their way to the new owners. This is the area of the studio that I display my art, in all forms. This is the same area that I use for classes that I open the studio for.
Some think I am crazy, but I don't think so, everyone has their own style, their own way of doing things. Their art will be their art, in their style. If my showing, teaching others how to do something creates another artist, fine, let them enjoy the possibilities that are now open to them. I am not the only artist, the only one who paints landscapes, wild life, subway / décor art in the world and won't be the last.
If the world was more into showing others how to use, develop skills it would be a better place.
Creating art is an adventure, an adventure in creativity.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Keep Painting, Never Give Up, Practice, Push The Limits, Try, Try Again
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Inspiration can be found in a book, nature, music…
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Relaxing Can Bring On Inspiration
Sunday, 27 September 2015
I Enjoy My Time In The Studio
I Enjoy My Time In The Studio
I have been painting since I was in my teens, if you don’t know me that was a some time ago. I have always enjoyed painting, even when my artwork wasn’t any where near what it is today.
I have found as in all things, you have to like, enjoy and believe in what you are doing in order to successful in any form of the word success. Over my life I have seen people who were good at doing something, but when the enjoyment they found in it was gone, so soon after was their success. This is true of day to day life, relationships, your job, anything that you set about doing.
I really enjoy painting, my passion is painting the Canadian landscape, wildlife. I also have found that painting decor and subway art to be enjoyable. I couldn’t paint it if I didn’t enjoy doing it. I’m a firm believer in pushing yourself beyond your personal limits. I believe in getting out of your comfort zone, taking your experience and knowledge stretching and testing it to new limits.
I would still be painting nothing but flat no dimensional sunsets if I didn’t push myself. I wouldn’t still be painting if I stayed in my comfort zone, I would have become bored and given up. Life gives us many opportunities to expand ourselves. When it comes to my artwork I often seek new chaullenges, that way I keep myself fresh, enjoyable and new.
Enjoy life, spread your wings, pick up your “paint brush” and go beyond your limits. Going beyond helped in creating the following items.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
To Inspire, Help and To Heal
The world is such that we often forget about friends and family that may need some help along the way. So many have an attitude of "Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead" for their life that they may plow others under or leave people behind who share another point of view.
I have decided to create a line of Inspirational posters and mini-posters based on my paintings and quotes taken from others and the Bible. It is my hope that they will indeed inspire people, but may also help them and even set them on a path to healing old wounds.
Look at life, look at those who are around you. Help them along the way. Pick people up, help dust them off. Too many people have knocked others down on the road to success, it's time to be the Good Samaritan and lend a helping hand to the ones at the side of the road.
I hope in some small way that those seeing my Inspirational Prints will be helped, or inspired to help.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Remembering Simpler Times On A River Bank!
I have been doing a series of paintings of late featuring kids fishing, walking with a grandparent and more. I am guessing that part of it is as I age I think of walking with my grandfather, going fishing with friends on a river bank, fishing with my grandfather off of a dock by the old pump house on the lake.
How many kids have been taken to a river with rods, worms and a bagged lunch to spend the day on the river bank. It's not catching a fish that is important, but catching your first fish really feels great.It is about spending time with your dad, mom, grandpa, grandma. It is about seeing nature at it's finest, it's about just spending time in nature.
Well past the concrete jungles that we live in off the beaten path is the old fishing hole. A place like no other, calm and stress free. A place that frees you from the world around and builds memories that last a life time,
Remember those times? Have you given your kids, niece, nephews, grandchildren those same types of memories?
So as I sat and thought about things one day I felt I should do some paintings that brought back those kind of memories. I hope these will inspire you to think about it and go fishing, for a walk, leave the concrete jungle for the back roads.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
An Artist Is Worth Their Time And Talent
In the time that I have been more successful in selling my works, I have been amazed at how at times people expect you to create a piece of work, specifically for them, at an extremely low cost to them. In the beginning I did work for lower than realistic prices because I was happy to be selling something. I wasn't valuing my own time the way I should have, but I quickly woke up to the reality of my work, talent and time were worth something.
Any one who creates something is worthy of being paid for their time, talent and supplies. If you work for any one you expect to be paid properly, Why should someone making something for you not be paid properly, you expect your employer to pay you properly why shouldn't the artist be paid properly?
Everyone who is using their talent, talent that they have developed, be it that they are; a writer, painter, actor, singer. That talent that you have asked them to use, it is something you don't have, so show your appreciation, show that you understand that, "the laborer is worthy of his wages." Pay the person properly, pay them for their talent.